
Welcome, providers.

Thanks for working with Live360 Health Plan to give our members the right care at the right time. We are dedicated to helping you provide quality healthcare. We have organized information and resources to help you interact with us.


Provider Reference Guide

This guide serves as a user’s manual with step by step instructions for our participating practitioner offices and organizations to work with us.

Managing Patient Claims

Use our secure portal, My eLink to:
  • submit prior authorization requests;
  • view payment details;
  • verify your patient’s eligibility;
  • confirm your patient’s claims accumulators; and more.

Prior Authorization Requirements

Prior authorization may be required for the following services. Click here for a Medicare and Commercial list.

Practice Guidelines

Electronic Data Interchange

Medical Associates offers EDI, which is the electronic transfer of information, such as claims, remittance advice, eligibility inquiry and claim status inquiry.


HIPAA Transaction Companion Guide